Hello Readers and Happy 2017!! There are so many exciting things coming up this year & one of them is International Epilepsy Day! This year it is on February 13, 2017.
The Epilepsy Foundation of America is helping to raise Epilepsy Awareness by hosting a Selfie Wall! And guess what?? YOU can raise awareness by posting your very own selfie too! Submit your own selfie or photograph showing how you will celebrate Epilepsy Day this year.
So, what will it be?
- A gigantic, oversized bunch of balloons?
- A yummy purple Epilepsy cake?
- A new tattoo?
- A party?
The selfie ideas are endless!! I’m already trying to figure out what my selfie this year will be!
Submit your selfie’s starting today at the Epilepsy Foundation of America Epilepsy Day Selfie Wall
I can’t wait to see all your fun-filled selfies!
Have a fantastic evening & remember to Seize The Day!